KHPC – the showjumping year – an overview
Within KHPC, we usually run a 4 or 5 week league at Kildare venues in early Spring & late Autumn. The final leg of the Autumn league is normally our Christmas Show.
SJ training rallies are held throughout the year – Go to calendar here
An Area 2 (KHPC is one of 9 clubs in “Area 2”) Qualifier is held in April/May for the IPC Festival (late July). There are club training and selection rallies prior to the Qualifier team selection. The dates for Qualifiers and the Festival for this year can be found on the club calendar club calendar
There are team SJ competitions at the Festival known as the “Alice Mernagh” (U12s/ 75cm), the “Robbie Bailey” (U14s/90cm) and the “John Ledingham” (U21s/1m). A full explanation of the rules and eligibility criteria can be found here
The IPC holds an annual “Showjumping Classic” usually in the Autumn with Area 2 qualifiers held during the preceding weeks. Classes at the Classic include 90cm,1m,1.10 & 1.20m however there are generally classes for all levels outside the main competition. This year’s dates can be found on the club calendar A full explanation of the rules and eligibility criteria can be found here
An Irish Pony Club national events calendar can be found here
Still have questions? Please contact the SJ committee reps who will be happy to help. Contact details can be found here