
Minimus 2024: Olivia Condon, Gloria Queally, Nia Webbon & Georgia Queally placed 4th overall and won the prestigious Horsemanship Award.

Minimus/Tetrathlon is truly a team sport with different members of the team excelling in certain phases with the combined team effort forming the end result. Minimus is for children under 12 on January 1st in the year they wish to compete. There are 3 stages, swimming for 2 minutes (unaided), running 1000 meters cross country, and cross country riding (fences 80 cm). It is a great way for kids and parents to meet.

Tetrathlon is divided into Junior (U15) and Senior (15 plus) categories. They both swim for 3 minutes and run for 1500m. They both shoot targets with air pistols. The Juniors ride a XC track of 90cm while the Seniors tackle a 1m track.

Full details and eligibilty criteria can be found here Minimus/Tetrathlon Rulebook

The riding phase training for both Minimus and Tetrathlon  typically starts in spring time, as soon as the ground conditions allow.  All members are welcome to join the swimming training, running all year round at K leisure in Naas. Biathlon competitions start early in the year with the first Minimus/Tetrathlon events including a riding phase usually held in April. Go to calendar here

The training is all part of the fun and commitment, meeting each other helps to motivate and keep momentum going,  friendships are built on these days!

There are several Fun Minimus/Tetrathlon events held all over the country. For safety reasons, KHPC recommend that any member hoping to go to the IPC National Championships (held in June) should attend at least 2 of these Fun events. In addition, members intending to go to the National Minimus Ch’Ships or Tetrathlon Championships should attend at least 3 KHPC Minimus/Tetrathlon XC training rallies. If you are unable to adhere to these guidelines but would still like to compete, please get in touch, we aim to be inclusive, not exclusive!

If you have any questions about Minimus or Tetrathlon, our contact details can be found here committee contacts